Sunday, June 15, 2008



Anonymous said...

That guy looks like he's having a bad time. Or maybe a thrashing-ly good time?

Tim Sinclair said...

definitely a bad time. this subject matter was specifically chosen to remind people that torture is still being committed by this nation. maybe trephination isn't one of those tortures, but then again maybe it is. when the current administration maintains such a nebulous, lack of a stance on torture and when people are detained for an indeterminable amount of time without being charged- well, let's just say justice is hardly being served. the terminology "war crimes" comes to mind.

Tim Sinclair said...

oh, yeah, and i'm the type of artist that, if i'm going to portray violence, it will probably be context specific. i hope these bands will work within a similar ethic with their given messages...

Anonymous said...

This is a really good flyer. I like how you inverted everything, it's way more interesting than not doing that.

Gnarfdeath said...

hey man, just found your blog! great stuff! I really love the Thundarr work!

Tim Sinclair said...

oh, masked luchadore, how gracious you are. i return to you my thanks. con mucho gusto!